The Daily Struggle: Modernizing Union Processes for Administrators and Business Managers - Insights & Updates | Union & Benefits Administration Solutions |

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The Daily Struggle of Old School Union Processes

Technology | 4 MIN READ


The Daily Struggle of Old School Union Processes

For Union Administrators & Business Managers Alike



It’s no surprise that many organizations are moving towards a more digital way of doing things after the covid-19 pandemic shook our world. In a way, the pandemic has cleared the way for technology in the workplace. Now more than ever, members are demanding modern processes and technologies in the union hall. They don’t want to have to call or go into the union to get stuff done. They want to be able to access it from their computer, tablet or smart phone and get it done quickly.



We are seeing unions modernizing like the banking industry did


The banking industry in North America was always behind most of their counterparts when it came to accessible technology for its members. It wasn’t until recently that the banks have started to make everything accessible online. You can get pre-approved for a mortgage or open a credit card account in a matter of minutes from anywhere now.


So why can’t you do the same at the union? We believe that your members should be able to login and start the retirement process or go online and see what jobs are available and sign up for them. Modern systems like’s union management platform allow unions to provide online member portals where they can get everything done in one secure location. From pension to dispatch to training, a single hub for everything union related.


How some unions are struggling to modernize


Change always comes with at least a few hurdles. The two main examples of barriers to change that we see are:

  • The old way still works
  • Learning new processes can be difficult


So why change?


We are firm believers in the countless benefits of modern technology. It is the fastest growing industry in the world for a good reason.


If you look at a union office, there are typically a set of administrators that handle the bulk of the member facing workload. These admins are interacting with the members on a daily basis and are providing amazing member service. Now, imagine if they didn’t have to waste countless hours each week inputting data into spreadsheets or old school filing systems. The level of member service they could provide with the help of accessible member data and more free time would be astonishing. You could quite literally transform your union from the inside out. Not to mention the shiny new member facing features members get access to like a member portal, online payments, and more. These features are broadly accepted by the younger generations.


The Modern Union Era


Fast forward 10 years, union offices and their internal processes are going to look very different than they do now. A modern system that is constantly evolving with the union is going to be a huge asset for growth and overall success of the union itself.


Check out for the worlds most advanced union management and pension administration platform. Get all the tools you need to empower your admins and help the members from wherever they may be.




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