Significantly Improve Productivity with e-Reporting - Insights & Updates

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Significantly Improve Productivity with e-Reporting

Productivity in today’s day and age is getting more and more difficult to achieve. With the rise of social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Snapchat. The distractions can seem endless. Not to mention the constant flow of emails to your phone and computer.

Productivity = Efficiency

Productivity is often thought of as juggling multiple tasks at once and getting as many tasks done in a short time frame. But that’s not true. Productivity is all about efficiency. Getting the important things done on a more consistent basis. Being productive is not about maximum speed on a bunch of tasks but more a consistent pace on a few important things.

Growing up in the technology age, I always look for a computer to simplify my life, whether it be my phone to simplify my communications with coworkers and friends or for excel to simplify the math I didn’t quite enjoy in high school.

Software has simplified so many aspects of our life, why has it taken so long for pension administration software to do this as well?

Many of our users struggle with the juggling act of phone calls from members, information overload, and report creation.

Our user’s main objective is to better serve their brothers and sisters.

This comes in a myriad of daily tasks, like changing a member’s address or beneficiary, viewing the member’s remittance history, or even discussing the member’s options when it comes to retirement. As a union administrator, the constant back and forth between filing cabinets and disparate systems create a time-consuming process and can lead to stress, anxiety, and burn-out.

Union Data Should Be in One Place

For pension administrators to improve their productivity and better serve their brothers and sisters, they need all the union’s data in one place, the confidence to trust said data, the ability to create informative reports with ease, and the ability to manage member communications.

PRS helps people be more efficient and effective in their daily activities.

The first piece of the puzzle involves placing all the union’s data in one place. This involves consolidating all data silos into one cloud-based platform.’s Pension Reporting System (PRS) provides the user with simple interfaces to view member information such as addresses, beneficiaries, major life events(dates), past/current spouses, employer history, remittance history, and more. These interfaces save the administrator time by providing all the information they need in one place.

Another key to improving productivity is trusted information. The union’s employees need confidence in their system and data to action member requests.

When a user does not know if the information is accurate, it can create multiple tasks to determine the validity of the information. With PRS, all data points can be tracked to the data source (where did it come from), changes are tracked by user and time along with the details of what was changed. These tracking mechanisms will allow the user to know the validity of the data in seconds.

IT support for labour trade unions from Union.Dev

Another method to improve organizational and employee productivity is through collaboration. With PRS, any employee can aid any member. No need to have administrators specializing in certain life events. The software streamlines all business processes, creating an easy-to-use interface for all employees.

This allows employees to aid any member that calls, instead of the typical “can I put you on hold while I transfer you.” Having the ability to pick up where another employee left off will increase your team’s productivity.

Report Generation is Key to Organization

An important part of any organization is report generation. Reports can be a very stressful and time-consuming activity for some employees.

They may feel they don’t have the technical knowledge to create, edit or understand reports. This hinders employees’ productivity.

With PRS, reporting is completely streamlined. Simple reports can be generated in seconds by any employee. Reports can be generated on an Ad Hoc basis or can be automatically generated by the system.

The ability to click a single button and the report is exported into excel, allows the user to save time when creating reports for upper-level management and/or third-party firms.

The reports generated within PRS provide the user with the ability to slice and dice their information. Meaning, they can view the high-level information, or dive into the details with ease.

This streamlined approach to reporting allows the employees to spend less time and energy on technical issues and more on serving their members.

The Final Piece, Member Communication

Now, the last piece to productivity improvements through the Pension Reporting System is member communication. Member communication is a major aspect of all employee’s jobs.

Whether it be the dispatch team calling members about jobs, the pension team discussing retirement options, or the dues department discussing late payments.

Union.OS and PRS allow the organization to customize their communications by department and by communication method.

By using text messaging or email blasts, the system can automatically communicate with members instead of your employees spending hours on the phone.

Communications also pertain to documents sent to members. With PRS, document creation and editing are simple. The system will select the relevant document, auto-fill the member’s information, and be presented to the employee for mailing.

Member Portal

Now, to further help the union employees, PRS can be programmed with a member portal.

The member portal allows the union members to log in, view their information, and change it if required from wherever they may be located. No need for the administrator to change it themselves.

In today’s age, providing union members with excellent service is paramount.

To do this, unions need to adopt technology that aids their employees’ daily tasks.

By using a system that enables employees to create reports with ease, manage member information in seconds and allow their members to self-manage their information creates an organization ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century.

Technology that increases productivity enables union employees to better serve their brothers and sisters, all while removing the stress out of their daily jobs.

Happy and productive employees lead to happy members…

See what the future of pension reporting looks like with Union.OS >


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